At Creative Focus Studios, we provide an exceptional fashion photography experience for fashion items such as catalogue clothing and mass-market clothes, high fashion, editiorial fashion, shoes, perfume, and other branded products designed by fashion houses around the world. With us, you’ll discover a fully equipped photography and video studio on the Gold Coast. You have the choice of hiring our highly experience photographer, Wes McNeil or you can hire our photography studio to shoot your own Fashion Photography for your clients.
In our photography studio, there is an extensive understanding of the fine balance between art, fashion and photography. We are leaders in our industry, and are highly skilled at eCommerce photography, stop motion animation, 360° photography, ghost mannequin photography, lookbooks, flatlay and product photography, as well as corporate, food and real estate photography.
At our photography and film studio on the Gold Coast, you’ll find a newly renovated cyclorama space, a green room with lights and mirrors, a glam area, free Wi-Fi, and even a kitchen with a coffee maker!
Fashion & Modelling Photography
Gold Coast fashion photographer, Wes McNeil is a go-to for new and established business searching for a unique look and feel for their products. From online product catalogs to publications and signage, we work with a variety of apparel labels, agencies, and models.
Also remember the first thing an agency or customer will see is your model portfolio. It should showcase your physical appearance, your skillset, your individual sense of fashion, and your range of expressions and poses. As a model, it is the most crucial tool you can have. As a result, hiring a professional Model Photographer like Creative Focus Studios is crucial if you want to see significant improvements in your model portfolio.
Models on the Gold Coast can count on Creative Focus Studios to provide them with high-quality images, as well as a safe and welcoming atmosphere in which to showcase their particular style.
Brand ambassadors, product influencers, and models all have a role in the unique fashion, glamour, and fitness photography that we generate.
Your modeling portfolio can be updated or reinvigorated at Creative Focus Studios. We have a great time working with both fresh and seasoned models.
Fashion and photography are dependent on each other. Fashion photography is quite a popular genre of photography, and is essential to the fashion industry’s survival. In order to succeed in the fashion world, photographers must constantly snap and provide the greatest possible shot of their products.
Over the past few decades, fashion imagery has been politically and artistically provocative, economically advantageous, and ideologically potent. In addition to the huge volume of fashion photography-related printed and online media that circulates across the world, it is much more difficult to discover critical accounts of fashion photography. Photo commentary is still in its infancy, and it hasn’t yet established itself as a legitimate field in cultural studies because of its lack of connection with fashion photography.
Tips for Fashion Photographers
First and first, you should focus on creating an optimal work environment before even thinking about the technical aspects of the shot. At the very least, you’ll be collaborating with a model. Makeup artists and assistants are also possible additions. Making sure at the start that everyone has what they need, this also includes ensuring that workers have time to relax and rehydrate.
Understanding that the people with whom you’re working are also professionals is essential. If you’re establishing your portfolio and agree to a free shoot, that’s fine, but if you’re getting paid for your work, you need to pay people for their efforts as well. For fashion photography, this is the most crucial advice.
Focus on the Center of Your Subject
You can break photography composition guidelines from time to time in order to acquire the shot you desire. You don’t have to follow the rule of thirds at all times, and you can even center your subject directly in the middle of the frame.
In the right hands, you’ll find that this approach is ideal for shooting fashion. The audience will immediately notice your major focus of interest because it is already in the middle of the frame.
It is vital to keep in mind, though, that positioning your subject in the middle of the frame can make your photo appear flat and dull. In order to get the most out of this odd composition, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The context is the most important thing to take into account. Try to find an area where you can use something to balance your picture.
For fashion or beauty photography, lighting is by far the most crucial component. If you’re just starting off, try experimenting with some natural light. It’s best to shoot at the golden hours of sunset or just before daybreak when the light is at its most flattering. During this moment, you can also shoot backlit. To get a great hair light from the sun and fill in the face with a reflector, you need to shoot with the sun directly behind the model and slightly overexpose the image. You may get that dreamy fashion lens flare by using this technique. Find a spot of shade if you’re shooting in the middle of the day to give your photos a wonderful glow. To enhance the contrast, you may use a reflector on the model to bounce some light back into the shot.
Seek Out the Proper Backdrop
While photographing, keep in mind that the background plays an important role in your composition. The location of the model isn’t all you need to consider. If your image is off-balance because of what’s in the background, you should rethink your composition.
Photographing a garment requires a certain approach to composition. Using a background that’s the same color or pattern as the items isn’t an option. Look pick a background that is neutral if your dress has a lot of designs. If it’s bare, you can go all out with a fancy backdrop to match.
Let the Outfit Do the Talking for You!
The texture of a garment might be difficult to convey in a photograph because it is a static image.
- Even though an outfit isn’t stiff, it can look that way if it doesn’t move.
- It’s your task as a fashion photographer to capture the fluidity of the outfits your models are wearing.
- The key is to move whenever you can. Set up a whirlwind of movement for your topic. Take a picture of the fabric while it floats in the air.
- It’s common for the skirt or dress to form a triangle when it’s floating in the air, which provides a well-balanced look.
- The model’s face is drawn to the viewer due to the shape’s upward slant. In addition, long and flowing dresses can be used to fill in empty spaces.
- Balance is achieved by just letting the dress flow to one side of your frame if there is nothing else going on there.